How to accept hard truths and grow
Sometimes the truth can be hard to take.
I worked with a client recently, who was despondent about her business. She was an expert in her field, she had studied for years, got her PHD and had set up her business. She felt ready to serve and transform her client’s lives with her work, but she couldn’t.
Why? Because her conversations were not converting into opportunities. Her enquiries were left to drift. Her prospects were not buying. She was just not selling effectively.
Negativity around selling
There is so much negativity around 'selling'. The title 'salesperson' fills most people with dread. This is because, at some point, we have been a victim of a terrible salesperson. The type who are pushy, who don't listen to your problems or requirements. They put their sales targets before you and your needs. Of course, these are the type of characters you would cross the road to avoid – you never want to be made to feel there is no escape!
So, when sales skills courses are suggested, of course, you want to run a mile! Because you fear you will be taught to act like them and emulate their strategies.
Difficult truths:
- Business success takes more than expertise.
- Success takes more than commitment.
- Success takes more than passion.
- Success requires Sales.
- Sales require sales skills
It can be a difficult pill to swallow and accept that you need sales skills to run a
successful business.
We have all been in this scenario. You spend time and money shaping your ideas into a business. Then when it’s all ready to go, you press the start button. After a while, you find you are not converting leads into clients. Leads are the lifeblood of any business. But converting them is the operation that makes your business viable.
You might have heard the saying, "Build it and they will come", but believe me, they won't. Well, some might, if you're lucky. But your prospects need you to explain why they'd benefit from working with you.
They need to understand the value you bring and what results you will deliver. This will help your buyers understand why they should buy from you. You cannot rely on just website copy of social media posts to convey this. So, this is where the selling process begins.
Sales skills can be taught.
The good thing is that with the proper support and help, you can learn how to sell well and with authenticity. However negative you feel about selling, this view can be challenged and changed. As a result, your sales approach, sales strategy, and sales process can be refined into an effective delivery method. And one that is congruent with your values.
Clarity + Strategy + Action = Results
Print off this statement and pin it on your office wall!
I work with action takers. They know where they're trying to get to but don't know how to get there. So I help them with the How! With Elevated sales skills, your conversations will bring opportunities. With structure comes confidence; with confidence, your selling will morph from uncomfortable to comfortable.
To your ongoing success,