Your Business Asset

Who and what is driving your business


You are the most important asset in your business. 

There is nothing more important to your business than you.  


How does that make you feel? 

The weight and responsibility of considering yourself as a business asset can be either daunting or exciting. It can feel like a heavy burden or an incredible opportunity.

When you chose to establish your business you had a dream. Now, after years of training and professional experience, you’ve honed your expertise and you know how to transform your clients’ lives. You’ve learnt your craft and established your own business, which is an incredible achievement in itself.


But what now? 

Your sales skills are the bridge to take you from where you are now, to where you want your business to be.

You cannot deliver your expertise and help your clients until they’ve agreed to work with you, which means......

You need to sell your vision, your ideas, your brand and services before you can move forward.


What are your business dreams and goals, do you know what you’re aiming for?

One thing is sure, there is only one way to get there and that is by making sales. Your sales skills are the key to unlocking the door to your business potential and with every sale you get closer to reaching your goals. 

Many of the small business owners I work with start their business from a place of passion or expertise but lack the sales skills to fully achieve their dreams.

Rather than liberating them, their sales skills are holding them back in some way. You could argue that ‘closing a sale’ can feel like a frustrating barrier. As a small business owner all you want to do is deliver your incredible service, but your clients won’t benefit from your expertise until they decide to buy from you.

With elevated sales skills and confidence, this sales barrier morphs from being a block in the road into a welcoming business pathway leading from offering to delivery; from quote to sale.


To be able to sell well, without hesitation, fear and anxiety we must first become comfortable.

When business owners feel uncomfortable with selling, buying from them can be a pretty uncomfortable, uninviting process. Prospective clients can feel this.

Don’t forget that your clients want to buy from you, that’s why they get in touch in the first place. They also want to enjoy being sold to and enjoy forming your business relationship. It can be a wonderful experience for both sides when done well. 



Great sales people make selling look effortless. But to be a master of anything requires effort.

When you see a violinist play an incredible piece they make it look easy and effortless. But effortless requires effort. That violinist has been practicing for years to get to that level of fluidity. Great sellers are the same, they are taught and trained.

Sales skills are learned, applied, refined, developed and nurtured over time

To sell well is a process that all business owners can benefit from. Having a clear framework which helps you sell is essential in order for you to reach your business potential.

Arguably, when running a small business, there is nothing more important than how you feel about sales and selling. Your approach and your sales mindset can either propel you forward towards exciting opportunities or have you hang back, and wait.

Investing time and energy in developing your sales skills is an investment which repays itself. As your confidence grows, so will your conversion. 


You are the greatest asset to your business, you have the responsibility to do yourself justice.

  • How would it benefit your business if you, the seller, felt better about making discovery calls, taking on new enquiries and following up?
  • How would it benefit you if you were comfortable talking about your prices and the value you bring?
  • How would it boost your business if you had tools to close without feeling pushy?
  • How would it benefit your business to foster brand loyalty, reconnect with past clients and invite repeat business and referrals?

As the decision maker and greatest asset to your business, it is your choice when to invest in your sales skills.


But my question is; if not now, when?

I’m passionate about supporting other small business owners not only with their sales, but also with how they feel about selling.

A sales mindset cannot be overlooked as a key component to business success.

Do you agree?


Sign up to my newsletter to hear more and don’t forget to look at The Elevate Circle - my high level business development mastermind that helps business owners navigate and galvanize their sales strategy.


I help to radically turn your mindset into a sales abundance nest, drawing in customers, understanding sales and improving your self-confidence in what can sometimes be a difficult field to master.

If you would like help in growing your sales by leaps and bounds and moving your business forward I would love to hear from you.


To your continued success, 



The Business Lounge

Don't battle your sales journey by yourself. Welcome to The Business Lounge a forum open to all women in business looking to put themselves forwards, build confidence and clock in those sales

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